C More
Humanising the face of entertainment & film
Some results since launch:
– Awareness increased with 21%
– Willingness to pay increased with 108%
– Willingness to choose increased with 100%
– Brand recognition increased with 100%
– Brand preference up 295%
– Number of subscribers increased with 24%
C More is a leading provider of premium movies, series and sports in the Nordic region. However, they had low brand recognition and declining number of subscribers. We were asked to develop an overall concept and visual identity that would help C More become more inspiring and personal. We were also asked to enhance customer recognition and create clearer visual ties to TV4, Sweden’s most popular TV station which is part of the same entertainment network.
Much of the streaming market is algorithm based and impersonal. We saw an opportunity to create an identity with a human touch in a digital world. A strategy shared across TV4’s entertainment network.
C More needed to stand out from a competitive international market by being passionate, local and personal. A bold and flexible identity was necessary to build brand recognition. A clearer visual tie to TV4 could be made by sharing visual elements such as the custom-made typeface Quattro the emoji-rich icon set and their famous colour red. The layout system draws inspiration from one of the most common digital interactions in people’s lives, online messaging. This connotation is further established through the chatty tone of voice, the friendly custom-made typeface and the emoji-rich icon set. The logotype with its glowing C reflects the world of film, the light in the cinema darkness with shadows and three dimensional effects. It’s dynamic and playful – adapting to different genres by taking part in the entertainment.
The new logotype with its glowing C reflects the world of film, the light in the cinema darkness with shadows and three dimensional effects. It is dynamic and playful – adapting to different genres by taking part in the entertainment.
A comprehensive set of functional and emotional picograms and emojis were created, drawn to complement the custom-made typeface Quattro Sans. The tone of voice is chatty and informal, building on the concept of providing a human touch in a digital world. The custom-made typeface and iconography is combined to further establish the visual ties to the language of messaging.