A new era of payment and identification
The retail landscape is rapidly changing and more complex now than ever. This requires new insight and tools that work to elevate the customer experience.
Aera is a payment and identification platform that allows merchants to communicate with their customer across all channels. Whether in-store, online or mobile, the Aera ecosystem offer new ways of communicating, by building the customer journeys of the future.
Our main focus through working with Aera, has been to create useful and smooth customer journeys for both the merchant and the customer. Through a strategic naming process and the creation of user driven concepts, we have made a dynamic visual identity that allows the merchant to change and transform Aera into anything it needs to be. In doing so – the logo, icons and identity itself becomes a representation of the platform.
A new era of payment
and identification
Our main focus working with Aera, was to create useful and smooth customer journeys for both the merchant and
the customer.